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Recipe for Success: Using a Cookbook Template To Publish Your Passion

Recipe for Success

Cooking is an art that brings joy, comfort, and a sense of accomplishment to our lives. Whether you’re a seasoned home cook or a passionate food blogger, there’s a unique charm in creating and sharing culinary delights.

What better way to showcase your culinary prowess than publishing your unique cookbook?

Imagine having a beautifully designed collection of your favorite recipes, complete with mouthwatering food photography, all neatly organized and ready to share with the world.

With a cookbook template, you can easily create a stunning book highlighting your unique cooking style and celebrating the food you love!

A Cookbook’s Purpose

At its core, a cookbook is a treasure trove of culinary wisdom and a guide that enables cooks of all levels to recreate delicious dishes in their kitchens — but its purpose extends beyond providing recipes.

A cookbook is a gateway to culinary exploration, a source of inspiration, and a tangible expression of creativity. Cookbooks can serve as gifts, heirlooms, or even tools for generating income!

They can unite people, spark conversation, and create lasting memories around the dining table. Here are all the roles of a cookbook.

Instructional Tool

A cookbook primarily serves as an instructional tool, guiding readers through the process of creating a variety of dishes. It offers step-by-step recipes, ingredient substitutions, and cooking techniques and often includes tips for presentation and serving.

Culinary Inspiration

Cookbook readers can discover new cuisines, ingredients, and cooking methods, sparking their culinary creativity. A well-curated cookbook can inspire readers to experiment and develop their recipes.

Personal Expression

A cookbook can be a personal testament to one’s culinary journey. It can depict stories tied to recipes, capturing reflections, fond memories, and cultural heritage.

Community Building

Cookbooks can foster community by sharing recipes for specific regions, cultures, or families. They can unite people, encouraging them to share their cooking experiences and traditions.

Income Generation

Publishing a cookbook can generate revenue for food bloggers, chefs, or culinary enthusiasts. It can serve as a platform to showcase their culinary skills and passion, resulting in book sales, brand partnerships, or increased blog traffic.

Preservation of Culinary Heritage

Cookbooks can document and preserve traditional recipes, ensuring you pass them down through generations. They can act as a historical record, safeguarding culinary heritage from being lost over time.

Gift or Keepsake

A crafted cookbook can make a thoughtful, personalized gift or a cherished keepsake. It’s the perfect way to share your favorite recipes with friends, family, or future generations!

What Makes a Good Cookbook?

The factors that contribute to the quality of a cookbook can be subjective. Yet, certain universal qualities set an excellent cookbook apart:

  • • Clarity and Simplicity: The instructions are easy to understand and follow, making them accessible to cooks of all skill levels.
  • • High-Quality Photos: Attractive photos help readers visualize the end product, which aids in the cooking process and the inspiration they derive from the book.
  • • Variation in Recipes: A mixture of simple and complex recipes caters to a wide audience, from novice to seasoned chefs.
  • • Meaningfulness: The best cookbooks often have an underlying theme or story that connects the recipes. This meaning adds depth to the cookbook, making it more than just a list of recipes; it becomes a journey into the author’s world of culinary experiences!

Publishing a Cookbook

Creating a cookbook is a journey that requires careful planning, dedication, and a sprinkle of creativity. Here’s a look at the main steps involved in publishing a cookbook:

  1. Have a Concept: Are you diving into regional cuisine, exploring healthy eating, or compiling a collection of family favorites? Define your concept to guide your recipe selection and overall design.
  2. Choose Recipes and Create an Outline: Select a variety of recipes that align with your concept. Create a well-structured outline, grouping recipes into chapters or sections. Ensure the flow of recipes makes sense and keeps readers engaged.
  3. Fine-Tune and Test Recipes: Pay attention to measurements, timings, and special techniques. Make adjustments as needed to ensure foolproof results for your readers.
  4. Write, Write, Write!: Craft engaging and concise recipe instructions. Tell a story with your intros, share tips, and provide substitutions
  5. Work on Photography and Layout: Invest time in styling and capturing appetizing images. Consider the layout, fonts, and color schemes that complement your theme. This part is often the most challenging, especially if you have yet to gain design experience.
  6. Edit and Publish: Thoroughly edit your cookbook for grammar, clarity, and consistency. Once polished, decide on the digital, print, or both publishing formats!

Cookbook templates can be a boon in the cookbook creation process. If you need help with how to start, let us help you out.

What Are Cookbook Templates?

Cookbook templates are pre-designed layouts that streamline the creation of a visually appealing cookbook. These templates provide a framework for arranging recipes, photographs, and text in an organized and professional manner. And the best part? You can find lots of them online!

Why Use a Cookbook Template?

Using a cookbook template offers several advantages.


Cookbook templates eliminate the need to design from scratch, significantly reducing the time invested in the layout process.


With a set structure, all pages will follow the same pattern, lending your cookbook a unified and professional appearance.

Easy To Use

Often, cookbook templates are user-friendly and require no advanced design skills. It makes it easy for anyone to create a visually appealing cookbook.


Despite offering a pre-established framework, templates allow for customization. You can alter fonts, colors, and layout elements to match your unique vision and style.


Templates are available for various cookbooks, whether they are focused on vegetarian, dessert, or regional cuisine. This variety ensures there’s a template to suit every need and preference.


Templates often come with embedded guidance on formatting for digital and print publishing. They can help ensure your cookbook adheres to standard publishing requirements, simplifying the final stages of your project.

Cookbook Template Tips

You can find many cookbook templates online, but how do you choose the right one? Here are a few tips to keep in mind:

  • • Select a template that complements your theme and brand: Your template should reflect the theme of your cookbook and align with your brand’s voice.
  • • Prioritize layout flexibility: An ideal cookbook template should provide ample flexibility to help create an organized page flow and room for creative control when adding visual elements throughout the book.
  • • Consider compatibility: Ensure the selected template matches your preferred word-processing software, such as Microsoft Word or Adobe InDesign.
  • • Prioritize mobile-friendliness: If you plan to publish your cookbook as an e-book, ensure the template is mobile-friendly. Remember, almost everyone carries a smartphone or tablet, especially useful in the kitchen!
  • • Highlight visual appeal: Choose a template with plenty of visual appeal. After all, your cookbook should be informative and visually engaging.

Cookbook Template Ideas

If you think things can’t get any easier, think again! To get you started, here are our favorite cookbook template ideas.


Canva is a versatile online design platform that offers a wide range of templates, including cookbook layouts. It’s user-friendly and allows you to customize every aspect of your cookbook!

At KitchenBloggers, we offer comprehensive Canva templates that simplify the cookbook creation process. Check out our blog post on creating your recipe book with our Canva template for step-by-step guidance.

Recipe and Food Photography

Recipe and food photography are the two most important elements of a cookbook. Recipes must be easy to follow, and photos should be delicious. With them, your cookbook might serve its purpose.

At KitchenBloggers, we also provide original, professionally crafted recipes and food photography for bloggers. Our high-quality content is available for licensing, allowing you to enhance your cookbook with stunning visuals that capture the essence of your culinary creations!

Trust KitchenBloggers for Cookbook Templates

Why should you invest in KitchenBloggers’ cookbook templates? We have a few answers to this question.

You Deserve Expertise

KitchenBloggers leverages years of experience in the food blogging industry. We understand what works and doesn’t and incorporate this expertise into our offerings.

You Want Quality and Visual Appeal

Our templates are attractive and highly functional. Moreover, we carefully craft the original recipes, ensuring they are easy to follow and yield delicious results! Our professionally shot food photography also makes your culinary creations irresistible to your readers!

You Need Licensing

Our content licensing allows you the freedom to utilize our high-quality recipes and images in your cookbook. This service not only saves you the time and effort of creating your own but also guarantees a level of quality and professionalism in your content.

You Deserve a Meaningful Cookbook Journey

At KitchenBloggers, we make sure your cookbook is a journey worth taking. You will inspire and engage your readers with every page they turn, ensuring a memorable experience! We understand your passion for food and will help you share it.

KitchenBloggers Says Let’s Get Cook(book)ing!

In a world where culinary creativity knows no bounds, publishing a cookbook is a delightful journey that lets you share your passion, skills, and stories with a wider audience. A cookbook is a canvas where you can paint your culinary dreams, so embrace the power of a cookbook template!

Let KitchenBloggers be your guiding light in turning your culinary passion into a beautifully published reality. Start your cookbook journey today, and savor the satisfaction of inspiring others through cooking.

Happy cooking and publishing!


How do I create a cookbook template in Word?

You can create a cookbook template in Word by creating a new document and customizing the entire design, layout, fonts, and styles as per your requirements. You can add sections for recipes, ingredients, images, and detailed instructions.

Is there a cookbook template?

Yes, a wide range of cookbook templates are available in different formats. You can explore KitchenBlogger’s large collection of cookbook templates that you can customize in Canva quickly and easily.

How do I design a cookbook?

In order to design a cookbook, you have to choose a suitable theme and overall design of the cookbook. Moreover, you have to come up with a suitable layout in which all of your recipes can fit and also use high-quality images to make the cookbook attractive.

Does Google Docs have a cookbook template?

No, Google Docs does not have a built-in cookbook template, but you can customize a document to create such type of template.

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Cookbook Essentials: Exploring the Versatility of Recipe Templates

Cookbook Essentials

As the digital world continues to evolve, food blogging has taken center stage, providing a platform for passionate culinary artists to share their gastronomic adventures with a broad audience.


Among the many tools that elevate the food blogging experience, recipe templates are versatile assets that empower bloggers to create mouth-watering content while maintaining a consistent and organized presentation.


This post delves into the limitless possibilities of recipe templates and their profound impact on the food blogging landscape.

Components of a Recipe Template

Recipe templates provide food bloggers with a convenient framework for formatting their recipes in an organized and consistent way. This design includes several essential elements.

Title and Introduction

The title and introduction of a recipe template serve as the delicious gateway to the culinary journey ahead. A well-crafted title captures the dish’s essence, while the introduction provides context, history, or personal anecdotes about the recipe. This section sparks interest and sets the tone for the entire cooking experience.

Ingredients List

The ingredients list is the blueprint of any recipe template, and accurate measurements are its cornerstones. Precise measurements ensure consistency and the desired outcome of the dish.


Whether it’s a pinch of seasoning or a cup of flour, accurate quantities are crucial for achieving the intended taste and texture.


The ingredients list is often divided into categories, making it easier for the cook to gather and organize items. Common groups might include:


  • Vegetables
  • Proteins
  • Spices
  • Liquids
  • Garnishes


This arrangement simplifies the cooking process, reducing the likelihood of overlooking key components.

Cooking Instructions

The heart of a recipe template lies in the cooking instructions. This section provides a detailed, sequential guide to transforming raw ingredients into a masterpiece. Each step should be clear, concise, and easy to follow, guiding the cook through various techniques such as chopping, sautéing, or baking.


Well-structured cooking instructions include essential details, such as cooking times, temperatures, and specific actions.


Using bullet points, numbering, and bold text can help highlight crucial steps, ensuring the cook stays on track.

Additional Sections

Recipe templates often include optional sections, such as serving suggestions and nutritional information:


  • Plating and Decorations: Visual presentation is crucial for many dishes. Plating and decoration suggestions can bring a meal to life. This section provides vibrant finishing ideas to enhance any dish’s aesthetic appeal, transforming it from ordinary to extraordinary.


  • Nutritional Information: For health-conscious individuals, including nutritional information offers insight into the caloric, macronutrient, and micronutrient content of the dish. This data empowers cooks to make informed dietary choices and adapt the recipe to their nutritional needs.


  • Serving Suggestions: Serving suggestions provide creative ideas for plating, garnishing, and accompanying the dish. This section enhances the dining experience by suggesting complementary flavors and textures that elevate the meal.


  • Variations and Substitutions: Cooking is an art, and recipe templates acknowledge this by offering variations and substitutions. This section encourages experimentation and adaptation, allowing cooks to tailor the recipe to their preferences, dietary restrictions, or ingredient availability.


These extra components offer valuable insights regarding the dish, giving the cook a better understanding of what they are creating. The additional sections also allow for experimentation and exploration, inspiring creativity and culinary innovation.

Advantages of Using Recipe Templates

Recipe templates are the unsung heroes of food blogging. They provide a structured framework that streamlines the process of sharing recipes, making it easy for bloggers to present visually appealing and organized culinary creations.


Whether you’re a seasoned food blogger or just starting, recipe templates offer a host of benefits that can elevate your content to new heights.

Consistency and Branding

Recipe templates help establish a consistent brand identity by providing a standardized format for presenting recipes.


From ingredient lists and instructions to serving suggestions and nutritional information, these templates ensure readers enjoy a familiar and professional experience with each post.


For instance, if your blog features a signature font and color palette, you can select a template that matches these details. This format helps readers to recognize your content at first glance, reinforcing the unique identity of your blog.

Time Efficiency

For our professionally-minded audience, time is of the essence. Recipe templates significantly reduce the time spent on formatting and structuring content, allowing bloggers to focus more on the creative aspects of their posts. This efficiency is invaluable, especially when managing a busy schedule.


If you’re a food blogger or content creator who juggles multiple projects, recipe templates can help you maximize productivity and keep your content on track. You’ll quickly see efficient organization when using recipe templates on your blog.


By automating the structuring process, you can use your time better and produce more engaging content.

Enhanced Visual Appeal

Aesthetics plays a crucial role in the world of food blogging. Recipe templates come with pre-designed layouts that are visually pleasing and engaging. With a suitable template, you can present your recipes in a way that entices your readers and keeps them coming back for more.


From modern designs to classic layouts, there’s no shortage of options with recipe templates.


You can elevate your content with the proper template and create eye-catching posts that drive interaction and engagement. Your readers will be inspired by your enticing, delectable recipes, motivating them to try something new.

SEO Optimization

Search engine optimization (SEO) is critical to any successful blog. Recipe templates often have SEO-friendly features, such as structured data markup, schema integration, and meta tags. These elements contribute to better search engine visibility and higher rankings.


When it comes to optimizing content, recipe templates are a great choice. By streamlining the formatting process and providing SEO-friendly features, recipe templates enable bloggers to optimize their content for maximum visibility in search engine results pages.

Adaptability and Creativity

While recipe template offer a structured framework, they are not restrictive. You can customize your template with various features to make it unique and reflect your brand or personal style.


Whether you add custom fonts, images, or videos, working within the parameters of a recipe template helps ensure that your content is organized and consistent while allowing ample room for creative expression. The key is finding a balance between structure and artistic freedom.

Reader Benefits: How Recipe Templates Enhance Cooking Efficiency

Recipe Templates

Recipe template also benefit readers by enhancing cooking efficiency and transforming the culinary process into a streamlined and enjoyable experience. Whether your readers are seasoned chefs or novice cooks, utilizing a well-designed recipe template can significantly impact their efficiency in the kitchen.


Here’s how recipe templates contribute to making cooking endeavors a breeze:


  • Structured Guidance: Recipe templates provide a clear and structured roadmap for preparing a dish. By breaking down the cooking process into step-by-step instructions, templates ensure they don’t miss any crucial steps or ingredients.


  • Time Management: Recipe templates often include each step’s estimated preparation and cooking times. These details help readers plan their cooking session more effectively, allocate the right amount of time to each task, and orchestrate a synchronized meal preparation process.


  • Consistency: Recipe templates outline precise measurements for ingredients, ensuring they replicate the intended flavor and texture each time they prepare the dish. This component is crucial for recipes that rely on specific ratios of ingredients.


  • Reduced Stress: Recipe templates alleviate stress by breaking down the cooking process into manageable steps. With a template in hand, they can approach each task confidently with a reliable guide to follow.


  • Ingredients Management: Recipe templates include a comprehensive list of ingredients required for the dish. This information makes gathering and organizing everything easier for readers.


  • Skill Development: For those learning to cook, recipe templates serve as valuable tools for skill development. As they follow the instructions, they gradually build their culinary repertoire and gain confidence in various cooking techniques, relying on templates less frequently as their skills improve.


In essence, recipe templates are powerful tools that optimize cooking efficiency by providing structure, clarity, and organization to the culinary process.


Whether your readers are busy professionals seeking to create quick and nutritious meals or aspiring chefs aiming to perfect complex dishes, recipe templates are an indispensable resource that contributes to a more seamless and enjoyable cooking experience.

Empowering Your Culinary Journey

As you embark on the journey of exploring recipe templates, it’s essential to remember your target audience’s unique needs and preferences.


At, we understand the aspirations and challenges of our audience in the digital realm. Our commitment to providing licensed recipes, photography, and book templates stems from a deep understanding of the value these assets bring to your food blog.


Recipe book templates, in particular, empower you to focus on what you do best — creating tantalizing dishes that ignite the senses and inspire culinary adventures. With a wide array of designs at your fingertips, you have the creative freedom to curate a blog that resonates with your audience’s taste buds and captures their imagination.

Final Thoughts

Embracing innovative tools is critical to staying ahead of the food blogging curve. Recipe templates offer a compelling solution that caters to the diverse needs of your audience, allowing you to craft captivating blog posts with efficiency, creativity, and style.


Whether you’re a food enthusiast, a professional chef, or an experienced blogger, recipe templates can enhance your culinary journey and make the blogging process enjoyable and rewarding.


Equip yourself with the versatility of recipe templates and witness their transformative impact on your food blog. supports your culinary aspirations as your companion on this delectable adventure.


Whether you’re making an online cookbook for yourself or sharing it with others, we provide the resources and tools to help you deliver a captivating experience.


Explore our wide range of recipe templates and bring your culinary adventures to life! Contact us for more information on anything about recipe templates or food blogging.


Is there a recipe template in Word?

Yes, Microsoft Word has many different templates, including a few recipe templates. However, most of these templates are not innovative enough, so you will likely have to use another platform, such as ours, to get a modern recipe template.

How do you create a recipe format?

The exact process of creating a recipe format can greatly vary from platform to platform, but some of the key things that you have to include in recipe formats are the title, ingredients section, instructions, cooking time, servings, and formatting.

Does Google have a recipe template?

No, Google Docs does not have a suitable recipe template.

Does Canva have recipe templates?

Yes, Canva has a large collection of recipe templates through which you can create engaging and attractive recipe documents.

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Email Marketing Checklists

Email Marketing Checklist

Are You Struggling to Build a Profitable Email List for Your Food Blog?

If So, You Won’t Want to Miss These 20 Email-Marketing Checklists

For Creating and Growing a Responsive Mailing List!

With these handy email marketing checklists, you can avoid the most common email marketing mistakes, save countless hours of your valuable time, and build a profitable email list by simply following a set of proven and easy-to-duplicate steps!

Not Your Average Checklists…

Although they’re labeled “checklists,” I actually use them myself as sort of “mini-blueprints” for my own business. These detailed email marketing checklists (AKA “mini-blueprints”) are more than just a set of steps arranged chronologically into a bulleted list. There is actually some “meat” to these checklists that I know you are going to find helpful. They include steps, ideas, options, examples, templates, questions, and more.

Take a look at just ONE of the TWENTY checklists included in this package…

Are your readers hungry for delicious, fresh-from-the-oven recipes made “from scratch?” Are you struggling to keep your blog filled with delicious recipes and gorgeous food photographs? 

Email Marketing Checklists

And that’s just ONE of the TWENTY checklists that you will download in this package.  All total, there over 100 pages of “no-fluff” content in this package!

Let’s take a closer look at the checklists included in this collection…

  1. The Ultimate Email Marketing Checklist (shown above) – Most email marketers only check a few obvious points before they send an email, like proofing the content and checking that the links work. This list gives you 20 points to check to ensure you’re sending the most well-written, goal-oriented and high-response emails as possible!
  2. The Call-To-Action Checklist – Your call-to-action can make or break the success of an entire email campaign. Use this checklist to craft the perfect calls-to-action that boost your responses and generate more traffic and sales for you!
  3. Crafting The Perfect Subject Line Checklist – If your subject line stinks, your subscribers will send your emails straight to the trash. Ouch! Don’t let that happen to you. Instead, use this checklist to create amazing subject lines that get attention, arouse curiosity, get the click and boost conversions across the board!
  4. List Monetization Checklist – No list-building effort is complete without this checklist. That’s because you’ll get seven solid ways to monetize your list, plus 15 amazing ways to maximize responses every time you send an email! If you want to make more money with your list, then check out this checklist right away!
  5. The Special Promo Checklist – One really good way to light a fire under your subscribers and boost your conversions is by offering a special promo. This checklist walks you through the steps of setting it up, plus you’ll get ten idea for high-response promos you can start using ASAP!
  6. The Pre-Sell Checklist – What’s the secret of making a crazy number of sales every time you email your list? It’s this: you need to presell the offer and whip subscribers into a buying frenzy before they even see the sales page. This checklist shows you exactly how to do it!
  7. The Follow-Up Checklist – Did you know that most people need multiple exposures to you and your products before they’re willing to take the plunge and make a purchase? That’s why a follow-up sequence of emails works like crazy to generate sales for you. And this checklist shows you how to create high-response follow ups!
  8. The Lead Magnet Checklist – Your lead magnet needs to not only attract high-quality leads to your list, it also needs to generate backend sales for you. But how do you create this sort of high-performance product? This checklist shows you exactly how to do it!
  9. The Lead Capture Checklist – Creating an effective lead-capture system means snapping into a place a lot of pieces and parts across your blog, website, social media accounts and other properties. Use this checklist to improve your opt-in rates, get wide exposure, and cover all your bases!
  10. The Types Of Email Campaigns Checklist – Sending out multiple emails almost always boosts your response. And here you’ll get a set of checklists to help you create and deliver five of the most highly effective emails. Whether you want more traffic, more social media contacts, more sales or anything else, you’ll find an email here to meet your needs!
  11. The List Segmentation Checklist – How would you like a quick way to boost responses every time you send an email? Well there is one, and that’s to segment your list into micro-targeted pieces. This checklist shows you exactly how to do it so that you too can start getting great results!
  12. Your First 1,000 Subscribers Checklist – Everyone tells you to build a list because it’s so profitable. Question is, how do you get started when you have absolutely no idea where to start? Good news – that’s exactly what this checklist will show you how to do. You’ll get a step-by-step process for building a list from scratch to get to your first 1000 subscribers!
  13. The Cold/Dead List Checklist – Need to bring a dead list back to life? This is the checklist for you! You’ll get a step-by-step process for contacting the list, warming them up, and getting them to start taking action again when you send them promos!
  14. The Social List-Building Checklist – You probably already know how important it is to have a presence on social media. That’s because your prospects are already there. And so are your competitors. What’s more, social media is also a great place to build your list. And that’s why you’ll want to use this checklist to grow your lists by tapping into the power of social media!
  15. The “Increase Your Open Rates” Checklist – One big key to a profitable list is to increase your open rates for each and every email you send. But how do you create eye-popping open rates? By using this checklist the next time you mail your list!
  16. The 3-Part Gain-Logic-Fear Email Campaign Checklist – One of the keys to a good email campaign is to hit on multiple points that will resonate with different subsets of the population. And that’s exactly what this checklist shows you how to do through the power of the super-effective “Gain-Logic-Fear” email campaign!
  17. The Autoresponder Checklist – Your autoresponder is one of the most useful tools you possess in your marketing arsenal. That’s because it’s a hands-off, automatic way to build relationships and generate sales. But that only works if you’re setting your autoresponder up the right way! And this checklist makes sure you cover your bases and set up your autoresponder in the most effective, results-driven way possible!
  18. The Email Delivery Checklist – It’s pretty obvious that email delivery is a big factor when it comes to the success of your email campaigns. And yet a lot of marketers don’t give it much thought. That’s why you’ll want to use this checklist to maximize your delivery rates and start getting better results with every email you send!
  19. The Promotional Calendar Checklist – Still another key to a profitable and successful mailing list is to have a publishing plan. Forget about last-minute planning, where you come up with an idea on the day you mail your list. Instead, swipe a page from the top email marketer’s playbook and create a promotional calendar. This checklist makes quick and easy work of it!
  20. The Relationship-Building Checklist – One huge key to a responsive list is to get your subscribers to know, like and trust you. Because the second they do, the second you’ll start seeing higher open rates, clicks and sales! And that’s why this checklist shows you exactly how to start building that all-important relationship with your subscribers!

Whether you’re just getting started or you’ve been building your lists for a while now, you’re sure to find plenty of gold nuggets in this package. These checklists will help you:

  • Avoid all the most common pitfalls and mistakes most list builders make
  • Grow your lists, increase response rates, and maximize profits
  • Make list building faster and easier than ever before

Having a responsive email list is one of the best ways to transform your food-related blog into a profitable business. Don’t put it off any longer – download these easy-to-follow checklists and get started building your list today!

Download Your Copy Today for Just $29

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*This limited-time special offer will end without notice

The checklists in this package are for your personal use only. They may not be edited, given away, sold, or otherwise distributed.
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Food Bloggers June Content Planning Guide

Food Bloggers June Content Planning Guide

Don’t leave your food blog content calendar to chance! Check out our all-new Monthly Content Prompts for fresh content ideas, ready-to-publish food content (with our original food photos!), editable social media and/or recipe card templates, and other blog planning materials.


Summer is almost here, which means lazy days and sultry evenings filled with backyard barbecues, picnics by the lake, and making warm gooey chocolately s’mores over a blazing campfire.


When it comes to recognized food themes… June brings plenty of candy, chocolates, and ice cream-themed days, but there is an Eat All Your Veggies day mid-month to help balance it all out.  🙂


So, let’s jump right in and have some fun with these upcoming food themes…

June Food Themes:


If you’re looking for a monthly theme for your food-related blog, here are the National Food Months for June, so you can celebrate and/or indulge all month long.


      • National Candy Month
      • National Dairy Month
      • National Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Month
      • National Iced Tea Month
      • National Papaya Month
      • National Steakhouse Month
      • National Turkey Lover’s Month

Here are a few daily food themes for June:


      • 1 – National Hazelnut Cake Day
      • 2 – National Rocky Road Ice Cream Day
      • 3 – National Egg Day
      • 3 – National Donut Day (First Friday)
      • 4 – National Cheese Day
      • 4 – National Frozen Yogurt Day
      • 4 – National Cognac Day
      • 5 – National Gingerbread Day
      • 6 – National Applesauce Cake Day
      • 7 – National Chocolate Ice Cream Day
      • 8 – Jelly-Filled Donut Day
      • 9 – National Strawberry-Rhubarb Pie Day
      • 10 – Herbs & Spices Day
      • 10 – National Iced Tea Day
      • 11 – National German Chocolate Cake Day
      • 12 – National Jerky Day
      • 12 – National Peanut Butter Cookie Day
      • 13 – Kitchen Klutzes of America Day:
      • 14 – National Strawberry Shortcake Day
      • 15 – National Lobster Day
      • 16 – National Fudge Day
      • 17 – Eat All Your Veggies Day
      • 17 – National Apple Strudel Day
      • 18 – National Cherry Tart Day
      • 18 – International Picnic Day
      • 18 – National Sushi Day
      • 19 – National Dry Martini Day
      • 20 – National Vanilla Milkshake Day
      • 21 – National Peaches and Cream Day
      • 22 – National Chocolate Éclair Day
      • 22 – National Onion Rings Day
      • 23 – National Pecan Sandy Day
      • 24 – National Pralines Day
      • 25 – National Catfish Day
      • 25 – National Strawberry Parfait Day
      • 26 – National Chocolate Pudding Day
      • 28 – National Tapioca Day
      • 29 – National Almond Buttercrunch Day
      • 30 – National Ice Cream Soda Day

So there you have it – plenty of inspiration to help plan out your June food content calendar!


Struggling to figure out what to write about – and when? Take a look at our all-new Monthly Content Prompts to see how KitchenBloggers can help you plan your next 90 days of content quickly & easily!

Click here for more details:

Til Next Time,


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9 Foodie Things to Write About in the Next 90 Days

9 Foodie Things

In January of this year, I expanded the scope of the Monthly Content Prompts packages to cover several months ahead vs. focusing on just one month at a time. My goal in doing so was to make it a better content planning resource for your business.


The March, April, and May food themes are ready to download and the new Content Prompts guide I’m working on covers a 90 day view of what’s ahead (plus plenty of ideas to help you Monetize these themes).


Here’s a quick look at a few upcoming themes or trends you can cover…

9 “Foodie” Things to Write About in the Next 90 Days:

  1. Food Gardening. Spring is almost here and your readers are itching to get their hands in some dirt. The trend toward growing and preserving your own food is expected to grow as food prices continue to rise. Plus, April is National Garden Month and May includes National Herb Week. There are tons of opportunities to Monetize this theme with gardening equipment, courses, books, etc…
  2. Earth Day. (April 22) Ideas to consider include the zero waste food trend, composting, organic gardening, and sustainable food sources.
  3. Cinco de Mayo. Lots of fun topics surrounding the history behind Cinco de Mayo and your favorite recipes that fit the theme. The brand new Beef Enchilada and Frozen Strawberry Margarita recipes I’m working on this week fit this theme (and several others).
  4. The Holidays. (yikes!) Due to the pandemic, holiday pinning started in April last year. I have a feeling it won’t be as early this year, but by July you’ll want to have your holiday-themed content ready to roll.
  5. Mother’s Day – Start pulling together your favorite breakfast/brunch recipes and ideas and creating/updating an annual holiday gift guide for the occasion to Monetize.
  6. Eggs. May is National Egg Month and National Eggs Benedict Day is in April. It’s hard to think of a more versatile food item than the humble egg. The possibilities for round-up style posts are plentiful, including baking/desserts, salads, Keto/Low Carb, breakfast/brunch, and different ways to prepare.
  7. Summer Food Themes. (Northern Hemisphere) Picnics, grilling, cold or frozen beverages, ice cream treats, and BBQ are a few topics you can dig into over the weeks and months ahead.
  8. Mediterranean Diet. May is National Mediterranean Diet Month, so this is the perfect time to talk about the history and philosophy behind this popular way of eating, as well as your personal success stories if you follow it yourself. As always, share your favorite recipes that fit this theme.
  9. Dairy. June is National Dairy Month and there are tons of daily food themes throughout the next 90 days covering everything from vanilla milkshakes to cheese fondue to ice cream sodas. If it fits your niche, this is a great time to talk about dairy allergies and sensitivities, as well as recommended alternatives and substitutions.

I go into more detail (including Monetization) on these and other themes and trends in each new Content Prompts package.


Note: The “February” pack is still available for download – it includes a lot of content and information for March/April.

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Monetization Monday: Making the Most of Your Best Posts

The Great Big List of 99 Food Blogging Tips

Happy Monetization Monday!

Today, I have a quick Monetization challenge for you. Go into Google Analytics (or whatever stat tracking program you use) and find your top 5 blog posts (or more if you have time).

Then, open up a new Excel document and add the name of the post, the url, and where the traffic is coming from (if you aren’t sure, what’s your best guess – organic, Facebook, Pinterest, etc…) in 3 columns.

Next, add a 4th column titled “Call to Action” or “Monetization Strategy” or something along those lines.

Now it’s time to take a closer look at each post. Look at each post with a “fresh set of eyes” and ask yourself … Is it obvious what you want your readers to do next after landing on your best content? 

In other words, does your best content feature a clear call-to-action to guide your readers to a) join your email list, b) join your Facebook group, c) buy your cookbook, d) hire you (if you offer services in addition to digital content), e) check out an affiliate offer (I’d try to get them on your list before you send them away to another offer, but sometimes it’s worth it go this route), or e) whatever your goal was in writing that post?

You may find you didn’t have a specific goal when you created that post. That’s okay. Now’s your chance to rectify it. 

Once you’ve worked out how you want to Monetize your top posts (if you haven’t already done so, of course!) – drop by the KitchenBlogger’s private Facebook group  and share a link to one of your newly Monetized posts in this thread:

(Our private Facebook group is closed, but free to join. If you are not a member, just submit a request to join and I’ll get you in right away!) 

I’ll be keeping an eye on this thread and spot checking pages and offering feedback.

If you have questions, leave a comment on the Facebook thread and I’ll get back to you! 

That’s all I have for now.

‘Til Next Time,

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Create Compelling Headlines

Grab these 75 compelling food blog headline templates

Stop Struggling to Create Headlines That Convert

Grab These 75 Fill-in-the-Blank Headline Templates Today!

Whether you are writing informative blog posts, promotional emails, or compelling copy for your opt-in or sales pages, you NEED to create strong, attention-grabbing headlines for every piece of content you publish online.

Food Blog Headline Writing TemplatesWhy? Because you only have a few seconds to capture your visitors’ attention before they move on to something else.

Fortunately, a carefully crafted headline can do just that!

In this information packed quick-reference guide, you’ll learn:

  • 8 important headline tips to help you write attention-grabbing headlines even if you’re just getting started writing online.
  • How to craft compelling titles (aka headlines!) for blog posts & online articles, including 25 headline templates you can use right away.
  • How to create email subject lines that get your messages opened. Includes 20 proven email subject line templates.
  • How to write sales (and opt-in) page headlines that make the “Big Promise” that instills confidence and/or creates excitement in your readers. Includes 30 winning sales copy headline templates.

That’s a total of 75 samples/templates, plus tons of other actionable tips to make headline writing easier and more effective

Instantly Download Your Copy Today for Just $15! 

Add To Cart

Get your copy now, for $15 – a small price to pay for a handy reference guide you’ll refer to over and over again… Stop struggling for headline ideas and start marketing your food blog instead. Get your copy now!

This Guide is for Personal Use Only | Does Not Include PLR or Any Other Resale Rights
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How to Write Fantabulous Product Reviews for Your Food Blog

How to Write Fantabulous Product Reviews for Your Food Blog

I’ve long been a fan of publishing product reviews because they are a great way to serve your audience. If you invest the time to research different options or share why you love your favorite kitchen tools, you can save your readers a lot of time, money, and frustration in the long run.

Even if you find you really DISLIKE a product, you can still help your audience by letting them know what issues you experienced AND then offer alternatives that solve the problems you encountered.

What’s more, I’ve consistently made money by publishing in-depth product reviews. Here’s what works for me:


  • Always include pros and cons in every review. No product is perfect for everyone – so if a review is too over-the-top, it will lack credibility. A product review isn’t meant to be a hard core sales pitch. Instead, your goal is to help your readers find the best resources for them.
  • Provide alternatives. When you include a valid “con” in your review – go the extra step to share viable alternatives. For example, if Product A has a high price tag, offer Product B as a lower cost alternative, (but explain what the trade off is for the lower cost). Again, your “job” is to help them choose the best solution, not to hard sell them on anything.
  • Show how you use the tool or appliance in your own kitchen. If you don’t own the product, share ideas for how the tool or appliance can help them save time, save money, or achieve a healthier lifestyle. The easier you can make it for your readers to picture themselves achieving these results, the more likely they will be to invest in one for themselves.
  • Understand the difference between features and benefits – and focus on the benefits. I spent my 20+ year corporate career in outside sales and marketing, and I can’t begin to tell you how many hours I’ve spent translating features into benefits that matter to customers.
    A feature is merely a fact about a product, while a benefit is the value derived from it. The fact the Vitamix 64-oz. container incorporates the stainless steel blades into a single integrated unit is a feature. On its own, this fact doesn’t mean much. However, once you explain how fast and easy this design makes it to clean up after your morning smoothie without needing to disassemble and tinker with sharp blades and other parts, your readers can begin to see how this might make their morning routine a little bit easier.
    Bottom Line: People don’t buy “features.” They buy the value those features give them, so share lots of real life examples with them to show how Product X can make their life better, easier, or more fun. 🙂
  • A picture is worth a thousand words. So, include pictures – especially of your own favorite tools and appliances in use as you create your favorite recipes! If you don’t own a specific product, use a stock photo or use one from the manufacturer or retailer (make sure you have permission first).
  • Send a note to your audience (via email and on social media) once your review is published. As you consistently share great material with your readers, you will become a trusted resource to them. Give them a little backstory on the review – why you decided to tackle it, why they might find it worthwhile, etc… Let them know you took the time to review the top products in X category for them – and would love to know their thoughts.
    Keep the conversation open and ongoing. People appreciate when you genuinely try to make their lives easier.
    TIP: Add this message to your email autoresponder (remove any timely content about the current weather, time of year, etc…) after you send the original message to your list. This will ensure new subscribers to your list don’t miss some of your best content.
  • Consistently link to your best in-depth product reviews with every new recipe you add that utilizes that tool or appliance. Content published on your site tends to get “buried” over time, but linking to it repeatedly from new posts will help keep it alive.

  • Always include a clear Call-to-Action. Take the time to spell out “what’s next” so your readers aren’t left wondering what they should do with all the great information you just shared with them.Something as simple as, “If you are ready to stop wasting time and money on ______, you can order your __ here” clearly shows your readers where they can order their own item, while reminding them of the benefits of doing so.

In short, I’ve found that the key to long-term success with product reviews is to go the extra mile for your readers – and to consistently over-deliver with a personal touch! 🙂

If you need some help getting started with helpful and profitable product reviews, check out this Healthy Small Kitchen Appliance PLR package. 


‘Til Next Time,



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A Fun Way to Increase Reader Engagement for Your Food Blog

Increase Reader Engagement

Looking for a fun way to increase engagement with your readers, while adding value to your food or lifestyle blog? Here’s an idea that has worked really well for me…


Years ago, I ran a site called Web Copy Results for my freelance writing business. (It’s not online anymore because I no longer offer those services).

One important thing I learned from that experience was that running a short-term challenge was an EXCELLENT way to grow your email list and increase engagement with your audience.

Every September, I would host a 90 Day Content Marketing Challenge that would get shared and recommended by other bloggers like crazy. In fact, one email recommendation from a prominent blogger added over 300 new subscribers to my list in a single day! Plus, I always had more blog comments and made more affiliate sales during the challenge than I did any other time of the year.

(Another very important thing I learned was that 90 days is WAYYYYYYYYYY too long to host a daily challenge! LOL!!! 30 days or less is ideal…) 

Obviously, I can’t guarantee you’ll get the same results, but I am willing to bet that running a short-term challenge on your site WILL generate excitement and increase engagement with your readers.

My formula was simple: Each day I would write one new blog post sharing free tips on how to write effective web content/copy and send a short email covering the highlights of the new post with a link back to it.

If I knew then what I know now – I would have also converted all that new content into a value-packed, evergreen eCourse for those who missed the challenge start date, but I didn’t see the potential or understand how to set that up back then. We’ll talk more about that later .


As a food or lifestyle blogger, you can easily set something like this up on your own site. For example, you could:


  • Create a 30 day challenge on basic cooking or kitchen skills – “Become a Better Cook in 30 Days”
  • Offer a 30 day meal planning course that relates to your niche – “Master the Low Carb Lifestyle in 30 Days” (or vegetarian/vegan or gluten-free or… you get the idea)
  • Add a time or money-saving slant: “Turn One Trip to the Grocery Store into 30 Days of Meals”

That’s all I have for today – thanks so much for your time. I hope you have an awesome day!

Til Next Time,


Trish Lindemood
Feed Your Blog!