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Monthly Content Prompts

Attention Food & Lifestyle Bloggers!
Are you overwhelmed or confused about what you should be writing about - and when?

February Content Prompts - Ready to Download

Download Your Copy For $17.95 /month

Download Your Copy For $39.95 /quarter

If so, you are definitely NOT alone. We know how challenging it can be to come up with fresh food-related content ideas and gorgeous food photos month after month. With so many fun and delicious food-related topics to write about, it can be hard to sit down and pick one thing to get started.


Fortunately, we can help! Here’s how…

Our popular Monthly Content Prompt packages are designed to work with our popular Food Blogging Breakout Pack to give you even more tools and resources to make the most out of upcoming daily, weekly, and monthly food themes throughout the year.

When you sign up for our Monthly Content Prompts, you’ll receive an all-new package each month designed to help you get ahead of the never-ending quest to plan out your blog and social media content without scrambling around looking for ideas.

What’s Inside

Here's What You Will Receive Each Month

Here's a Closer Look at What You'll Receive...
Current Monthly Content Prompts Recipes:

*All featured recipes are related to one or more upcoming food themes.

Please Note: Archive & Bonus recipes have been previously released in other packages on KitchenBloggers. The number of images will vary each month depending on the featured recipes. All recipes and images are exclusive to, so you do not need to worry about copyright issues with our content.

Prior Monthly Content Prompts Recipes:

Featured Monthly Content Prompts Guide:

Monthly Content Prompts Guide
All Recipes in Each Monthly Content Prompt Pack include KitchenBloggers’ Exclusive Food Photos!

The in-process photos shown above are for illustrative purposes only. The actual images in each package are updated each month. 

Monthly Content Prompts
Monthly Content Prompts

The recipe card templates above are for illustrative purposes only. The actual templates in each package are updated each month.

With our all new Monthly Content Prompt packages, we take the guesswork out of what to write about and when!

Ready to Get Started? Simply choose one of the following convenient payment options to get immediate access to the current Monthly Content Prompt package:


$17.95 /month


$39.95 /quarterly


The Monthly Content Prompts PDF Featured in This Package Include Personal Use Only Rights. This PDF May Not Be Edited, Sold, Given Away or Otherwise Distributed.
The Recipes, Images, and Graphics Come with Full PLR Rights. They May Be Edited and Published Under Your Own Name. However, They May Not Be Sold or Given Away with PLR, MRR, or Any Other Type of Resale Rights. This product is exclusive to and may not be sold or given away.

Monthly Content Prompts

Download Your Copy For $17.95 /month

Download Your Copy For $39.95 /quarter


Monthly Content Prompts
