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Work You Should Outsource for Your Food Blog

Work you should outsource for your food blog

Let’s face it: Food blogging is no walk in the park. There are way too many tasks to complete, including trying recipes, writing reviews, and posting on social media platforms. Plus, you have to promote your site to gain more visitors.


If the journey to the top gets overwhelming, it might be time to outsource your food blog. Doing so frees up enough time for you to focus on the duties that fuel your passion.


Not sure about which functions without leaving to the pros?

This article will discuss some of the top contractors who can help you take your blog to the next level.

Benefits of Outsourcing for Your Food Blog

Micromanaging every aspect of your blog might seem like a good idea. After all, it’s your name that appears on published materials.


However, outsourcing shouldn’t be a scary endeavor. It means hiring third parties to serve specific job functions — ideally, experts specializing in their field.


Below are some of the benefits of working with external professionals.

Achieve High-Quality Results

Like other food bloggers, you probably excel at certain skills more than others. For instance, you might have exceptional research, writing, or business capabilities but need help with recipe creation and photography.


Outsourcing these functions allows you to achieve top-notch results across the board without burning yourself out on tasks that challenge you.


Outsourcing for your food blog does not necessarily mean that you have to outsource every function. Instead, you can outsource only a few aspects of the blog.

Release More Content

Naturally, publishing quality content should be your top priority. However, it doesn’t mean letting months roll by without releasing materials for your audience. Many experts recommend blogging two to four times a week to boost viewership.


This number means eight to sixteen posts monthly, which is no easy feat. You don’t have to work your fingers to the bone just to meet this recommendation. Working with reliable specialists can help you create more materials faster.

Enjoy Massive Savings

Hiring employees is always a capital-intensive strategy and may not be ideal for newbie bloggers. Apart from recruitment fees, you also have to deal with onboarding, salary, and training expenses.


Rather than enlisting one full-time team member, I highly recommend outsourcing specific tasks instead so that you don’t have to face the financial burden of hiring full-time employees.

Reduce Stress

You’re likely into blogging because you don’t enjoy a typical nine-to-five job. The pressures of such duties come with a never-ending stress cycle that not everyone can handle.


Outsourcing specific blog tasks give you more time for your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health. Doing so can help you fall in love with blogging once again.

Experiment With Various Content Types

When you outsource your food blog, you can experiment with various content types and see what works for you. Naturally, you need recipes and photos, but you can also develop videos, infographics, and e-books.


So, are you ready to work with seasoned specialists? Below are some of the contractors you should work with for your blog.

1. Content Creation

In today’s modern world, content is king. As a blogger, you should practice what brands call content marketing — creating captivating materials that appeal to a specific target market. Search engine optimization (SEO) and pay-per-click (PPC) ads may bring more visitors to your platforms, but it’s your content that will make them stay.


Outsource for Your Food Blog


Here are some of the top kinds you can integrate with your blog:


  • Videos: These mediums offer various benefits for bloggers, such as enhancing conversion, engagement, and SEO efforts.
  • eBooks: If you want to grow your blog and explore a new revenue stream, I recommend this content type. Also, outstanding content can affirm your status as a food expert.
  • Emails: Food bloggers and other content creators can use emails to turn readers into returning visitors. Personally tailored messages can do wonders for your viewership and sales.
  • A podcast: This content type wasn’t that big a decade ago, but now over 144 million Americans have become active monthly listeners. Having a podcast is a great way to reach younger audiences.
  • Guides: Apart from recipes, you can create guides like recommended local restaurants, top-rated chefs, and food trends. Doing so is a great way to mix your content up a bit.

Luckily, you can hire contractors to help you create all of the above!

2. Social Media Management

Today, there are over 270 million active social media users in the country. If you want to boost your online visibility, outsourcing your social media management efforts can do wonders for your blog.


Below are some tasks a specialist can help you with:


  • Maintain on-brand components: Overseeing posts is much harder than it seems. Apart from sticking to a theme across various platforms, you are also in charge of writing catchy captions, scheduling publish dates, and engaging visitors.
  • Develop standout campaigns: PPC ads are ideal for bloggers because they don’t require massive budgets. Contrary to popular belief, they offer granular control over targeting and budgeting techniques.
  • Use relevant platforms: I don’t recommend building your presence across all social sites. Instead, you can choose the right brands to reach your target market.
  • Analyze ad results: One of the best parts about digital marketing is that you can gather valuable data from your ads. Evaluating the outcome of campaigns can help you run more effective ones in the future.
  • Understand the latest trends: Marketing fads come and go, so it’s best to work with industry experts who can apply innovative brand tactics. For instance, they can help you with voice SEO, in-feed shopping, and video marketing efforts.

3. Website Maintenance

Social media presence is great, but having a website boosts your credibility. Plus, it’s your ticket to tapping the 8.5 billion daily searches Google processes daily.


If you’re ready to take the digital world by storm, website development and maintenance experts can help you perform the following tasks:


  • Publish new content: Filling your site with high-quality recipes, photos, and videos inspires your followers to keep coming back. Once in a while, check your site to edit outdated information.
  • Add visuals: A whopping 65% of people are visual learners. Web pages with endless rows of text will not appeal to this group, so I suggest adding colorful images and visuals that will make viewers drool.
  • Make regular backups: It’s crucial to store a copy of your site somewhere online, apart from your host server. A specialist ensures you can restore your site should it crash or encounter similar problems.

Website development and maintenance experts can also help you optimize your site and ensure a good user experience.

Outsource for Your Food Blog Now

Creating and maintaining a food blog can be stressful if you plan on doing everything on your own. Remember, modern consumers will not settle for anything but the best. With so many food-related pages, they won’t hesitate to leave a site with mediocre content.


Outsource for Your Food Blog


For this reason, I suggest outsourcing the tasks you can’t focus on completely. It may not always seem obvious, but the best food bloggers worldwide often turn to freelancers and content agencies to keep their sites in tip-top shape.


Just as you use KitchenBloggers for your creative recipes and mouthwatering food photos, you can also use other suppliers for your unique needs.


More power to your blog!


Can I outsource my blog?

Yes, you can definitely outsource your blog. In fact, it is highly recommended that you outsource some aspects of your food blog so that you can manage it properly and rely on experts to make it a success.

How much do food bloggers charge?

There is no one specific cost of hiring food bloggers as it is dependent on their experience and expertise in the food blogging industry. However, the average pay of a food blogger in the USA is $42,541 per year, as per ZipRecruiter.

How do food bloggers get paid?

The most common income stream of food bloggers is by displaying ads on their blogs. Nowadays, food bloggers can also turn a lot of money by reviewing different restaurants and food on social media.

What is the best platform for a food blog?

A food blog can easily be established with well-known website builders such as WordPress, Webflow, or Drupal. Other than personal websites to upload blog posts, food bloggers must also focus on having a strong digital presence on different social media platforms.


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Breakfast & Brunch Snack Pack v 2

Breakfast Brunch

Each Snack Pack Contains 6 Kitchen-Tested Recipes, Original Food Photos & Recipe Cards!

If you are a food, lifestyle, or health blogger, you know how hard it can be to keep your blog filled with fresh food-themed content. With all the things you have going on, it can be a real struggle to constantly come up with delicious, new recipes and mouth-watering images your readers will love.

Fortunately, we are here to help!

Our convenient recipe + photo PLR packs offer an affordable way to keep your blog filled with brand new, high-quality food content whenever you need it.

Breakfast & Brunch Recipe & Photo PLR Snack Pack includes these 6 new kitchen-tested recipes with 171 original food photos:

  1. Coconut French Toast
  2. Coffee & Walnut Pumpkin Bread
  3. Pea, Mushroom & Goat Cheese Breakfast Bake
  4. Orange Cranberry Scones
  5. Lemon Blueberry Muffins
  6. Spicy Feta Shakshuka

I’ve also included 2 additional recipes in this pack as my gift to you:

  1. Avocado Chickpea Toast
  2. Pineapple Raspberry Smoothie Bowl


Download for Just $21.95

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*All photos are exclusive to KitchenBloggers. We take each photo, so you never need to worry about the source. That means zero worry about what rights come with my ready-to-publish food content!

As an added bonus, you will also receive beautiful recipe cards for each recipe for you to customize with your branding, website, and/or special offer. 

Here’s a look at just a few of the exclusive food PLR images included in this brand new pack:


Download for Just $21.95*

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*This package is available WITHOUT a subscription!

You may NOT sell, give away, or otherwise distribute the PLR or any other resale license to this material. This content may NOT be sold or given away on another PLR or Master Resale Right (MRR) site.

Due to the digital nature of our products and our 8+ year history of serving happy customers, no refunds are available on our products, except in the case of duplicate purchases.

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Tastes of Southern Italy Add-On Pack

Tastes of Southern Italy Add on pack

Don’t Miss These Delicious, All-New PLR Recipes Featuring Even More Great “Tastes of Southern Italy!”

Please Note: This supplemental Add-On PLR Pack is designed to work with our original “Tastes of Southern Italy” recipe + photo package. It is not intended to be a stand alone package. 

If you are a food, lifestyle, or health blogger, you already know how hard it can be to keep your blog filled with fresh food-themed content. With everything else you have going on, it can be a real struggle to constantly come up with delicious, new recipes and mouth-watering images your readers will love.

Fortunately, we can help!

Our convenient Recipe + Photo PLR packs offer an affordable way to keep your blog filled with brand new, high-quality food content every month.

Here’s What You’ll Get in This KitchenBloggers’ Exclusive Recipe + Photos PLR package:

  • 5 brand new kitchen-tested recipes – ALL with original photos.
  • All of our Recipe + Photo PLR Packs include AT LEAST 20 original food photos – However, this special supplemental add-on pack for “Tastes of Southern Italy” includes 25 final images + a whopping 82 step-by-step “in-process” photos!

The delicious kitchen-tested recipes included in this exclusive Recipe + Photo PLR Package can be used on just about any website that focuses on delicious, “from scratch” recipes.

Here are the all-new recipes featured in this KitchenBloggers’ exclusive Recipe + Photo PLR Package:

  • Candied Orange Peels – includes 7 final images 
  • Chicken Cacciatore with Spaghetti – includes 5 plated images 
  • Oven-Roasted Artichokes with Rosemary, Garlic, & Lemon – includes 4 final images + 4 “in-process” images
  • Pasta Puttanesca – includes 5 plated images + 5 “in-process” images
  • Roasted Artichoke and White Bean Salad – includes 4 plated images + 16 “in-process” images

You’ll Also Receive 40 Additional Bonus “In-Process” Photos for These Recipes:

  • Cod Caponata – 28 In-Process Photos  (This recipe is from the main “Tastes of Southern Italy Package”)
  • Easy Homemade Vanilla Fig Jam – 12 In-Process Photos  (This recipe is from the main “Tastes of Southern Italy Package”)

*All of our exclusive Recipe + Photo PLR Packages are guaranteed to include 20 large, high quality images. However, this supplemental package for our  “Tastes of Southern Italy” package includes a whopping 107 images total!


Think of all the time and money you’d spend if you were to create this content yourself… Brainstorming recipe ideas, making multiple trips to the grocery store, paying for ingredients, developing and testing each recipe, taking quality food photos, and coming up with ideas to share via email and social media.

Fortunately, we’ve done all the “heavy lifting” for you with our original Recipe + Photo PLR Packages – for a fraction of what you’d spend doing it yourself!

Pick Up Your Copy Today for Just $19.95!

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This PLR (private label rights) content is exclusive to KitchenBloggers. You may edit and publish this content under your own name. For example, you may use this material for blog posts, enewsletter content, cookbooks, free opt-in reports, or other products to give away or sell to your customers for their personal use.
You may NOT sell, give away, or otherwise distribute the PLR or any other resale license to this material. This content may NOT be sold or given away on another PLR or Master Resale Right (MRR) site.
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Keto menu plan plr

Keto Menu Plan & Recipe Cards PLR (Optional Add-On Pack)


Please Note: This Package is an Optional Add-On Package for Our “Ketogenic Recipes (v3) – Breakfast, Lunch, & Dinner” package. You must have an active license for the main package to purchase this add-on package.

Show Your Readers How Easy it is To Eat Delicious REAL Food with These Delicious Kitchen-Tested Menu Plans, Recipe Cards, and Recipes with Original Food Photos!

If you are a food, lifestyle, or health blogger, you already know how hard it can be to keep your blog filled with fresh food-themed content. With everything else you have going on, it can be a real struggle to constantly come up with new ideas, and delicious, kitchen-tested recipes and mouth-watering images your readers will love.

Fortunately, we can help!

Our signature white label recipe + photo packages offers an affordable way to keep your blog filled with brand new, high-quality food content every month.

Keto Creamed Spinach PLR Recipe with Photos

Here’s a Everything You’ll Receive in this HUGE New Ketogenic PLR Package:

5 Daily Ketogenic Menu Plans* 

*Daily Menu Plans come in PDF, JPG, and easy-to-edit Excel (.xlsx) and PowerPoint (.pptx) formats. You will need Excel and PowerPoint to edit these files!
All Daily Menu Plans are under 20g net carbs per day.

18 – 19 Illustrated Recipe Cards**

**Illustrated Recipe Cards come in PDF, JPG, and easy-to-edit PowerPoint (.pptx) formats. You will need PowerPoint to edit these files!
Composite Image Above Does Not Include All 19 Recipe Cards.

Gorgeous Full-Color 25-Page Editable PowerPoint Report

  • Easy-to-edit PowerPoint allows you to quickly and easily add your own branding, site colors, special offers, and more
  • Each Daily Menu Plan slide includes an embedded editable Excel spreadsheet – so you can edit, adjust, and create your own daily menu plans
  • Use recipe card slides as a template to create your own unique recipe cards
  • Convert to PDF when done editing – and viola! You’ll have your own finished product!

Plus 2 Editable Cover Photos:

5 All-New “Quick & Easy” Keto-Friendly Side Dish Recipes:

  • Keto Creamed Spinach with Hollandaise Sauce
  • Keto Creamed Spinach
  • Keto Creamy Mashed Cauliflower
  • Keto Roasted Parmesan Cauliflower
  • Keto Roasted Radishes with Bacon

17 Gorgeous Large Food Images for the Side Dish Recipes

Recipe Guidelines for This PLR Package:

  • All recipes are low carb, high fat, and moderate protein
  • All recipes are made with “real food” ingredients
  • Nutritional information is included for each recipe, including calories, total carbs (g), net carbs (g), protein (g), and fat (g)
  • Recipes are offered individually and in the context of full daily menu plans. The Excel files included make it easy for you to edit and adjust daily menu plans using your own recipe or modified versions of the recipes included in this package.

Special Bonus: 5 MCT Oil Articles: 

  • MCT Oil and Weight Loss: What You Need to Know
  • What is MCT Oil and How Do You Use it with the Keto Diet?
  • 4 Powerful Benefits of MCT Oil
  • MCT Oil VS MCT Powder – Which Should You Take?
  • Understanding the Properties of Medium Chain Triglycerides 

Think of all the time and money you’d spend if you were to create this all this amazing food content yourself. You’d have to…

  • Brainstorm new ideas
  • Make multiple trips to the grocery store
  • Purchase the ingredients
  • Develop and test each recipe
  • Take and edit quality food photos...

All this in addition to your full time job of serving your customers or clients! 

Fortunately, we’ve done all the “heavy lifting” for you with our original Recipe + Photo PLR Packages – for a fraction of what you’d spend doing it yourself!


Save Time & Money With These Done-For-You Menu Plans, Recipe Cards, Recipes, & Photos!

Pick Up Your Copy Today for Just $49.95!

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This PLR (private label rights) content is exclusive to KitchenBloggers. You may edit and publish this content under your own name. For example, you may use this material for blog posts, enewsletter content, cookbooks, free opt-in reports, or other products to give away or sell to your customers for their personal use.
You may NOT sell, give away, or otherwise distribute the PLR or any other resale license to this material. This content may NOT be sold or given away on another PLR or Master Resale Right (MRR) site.

Given the digital nature of this product, returns are not possible. Therefore, all sales are final. 

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Sp01 holiday in process pack

Claim 73 Additional Step-by-Step “In-Process” Food Photos and…

Give Your Readers Detailed, Step-by-Step Instructions
Create Amazing Food Videos
Enhance Search Engine Optimization

In-Process photos for Complete Holiday Dinner Recipe Pack

Please Note: This Add-On PLR Pack is designed to work with our original “Complete Holiday Dinner” recipe + photo PLR package. It is NOT intended to be a stand-alone package.

This optional Add-On photo package includes additional step-by-step “in-process” images ONLY. (Recipes and final plated images are included in the main “Sheet Pan Recipes – Volume 3” package.

This Brand New Add-On PLR Pack Includes 73 Large Step-by-Step “In-Process” Photos for All 6 Recipes Featured in Our Exclusive “Complete Holiday Dinner” Recipe + Photo PLR Pack:

  1. Baked Brie with Cranberries and Walnuts
  2. Balsamic Roasted Beef Tenderloin with Olive Tapenade
  3. Creamy Cauliflower Gratin
  4. Creamed Spinach with Caramelized Onions
  5. Mulled White Wine
  6. Whiskey Chocolate Cake


Think of all the time and money you’d spend if you were to create this content yourself… Brainstorming recipe ideas, making multiple trips to the grocery store, paying for ingredients, developing and testing each recipe, taking quality food photos, and coming up with ideas to share via email and social media.

Fortunately, we’ve done all the “heavy lifting” for you with our original Recipe + Photo PLR Packages – for a fraction of what you’d spend doing it yourself!

Pick Up Your Copy Today for Just $19.95!**

Add To Cart

**That’s less than 28¢ per Original Food Photo!


This PLR (private label rights) content is exclusive to KitchenBloggers. You may edit and publish this content under your own name. For example, you may use this material for blog posts, enewsletter content, cookbooks, free opt-in reports, or other products to give away or sell to your customers for their personal use.
You may NOT sell, give away, or otherwise distribute the PLR or any other resale license to this material. This content may NOT be sold or given away on another PLR or Master Resale Right (MRR) site.
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Healthy Meatless Meal Planning PLR

Vegetarian Articles & Short Report PLR Bundle

There are a lot of reasons why your readers might be interested in meatless recipes and meal planning – and here’s how you can become their trusted go-to resource for this information…

Healthy Meatless Meal Planning PLR Package

The Meatless Meals Spectrum

Not everyone interested in plant-based recipes and meal-planning information is a strict vegetarian or vegan. Some just want to cut down on the amount of meat they consume. Still others ARE interested in making a major lifestyle change or adding more diversity to their existing diet.

No matter what drives your readers’ interest – better health, weight loss, financial considerations, or ethical concerns –  this collection of Vegetarian PLR content is loaded with ways you can educate your readers about the many benefits of eating less meat.

This Mega-Vegetarian Lifestyle PLR Package Includes:

  • 4-Page Customizable Shopping List – add your own website and start sharing!
  • 27-Page Report: Making the Transition to a Vegetarian Diet
  • 8-Page Short Report: Benefits of Meatless Meals – includes a convenient “clickable” table of contents for easier navigation
  • 9 “Meatless Meals” Blog Posts
  • 4 Beautiful Vegetarian Food Images

With 48 pages of customizable, professionally written PLR content + 4 beautiful food photographs…  there are tons of ways you can use this material to serve your audience – and increase sales!

For example, you can use this material to:

  • Build Your Email List
  • Create Free Gifts for Your Existing Customers
  • Offer High-Quality Paid Products
  • Blog Post Material
  • Social Media Updates
  • Newsletter Articles

Here’s a Closer Look at What’s Included…

Build Your List with This Editable Shopping List:

  • Stocking Your Kitchen For a Vegetarian Lifestyle – 4-page handout – editable .doc file included. Just add your own website address and recommended resources! (Exclusive to

Meatless Meal Planning Shopping List

27-Page Report: Making the Switch to a Vegetarian Lifestyle*


This substantial information-packed report (6,300+ words) includes a convenient “clickable” table of contents for easier navigation. Topics Include:


Short Report: Benefits of Meatless Meals

This 8-page report weighs in at 2,100+ words and covers several of the main benefits of consuming less meat in your diet, including:

  • Health Benefits
  • Weight Loss
  • Save Money
  • Eco-Friendly

Here is a brief excerpt:

“A recent report from the renowned Mayo Clinic states that serving meatless meals at least once a week offers a multitude of health benefits. Plant-based meals that feature beans, grains and vegetables – rather than meat – provide your body with the nutrition it needs, minus the risk of developing heart disease and other chronic conditions that occur when you consume too much meat in your diet.”

Topics Covered:

  • What Meatless Mondays Can Do to Improve Your Health
  • How Meatless Mondays Can Help You  Lose Weight
  • Less Meat in Your Diet Means More Money in Your Wallet
  • Reduce Meat Intake and Lessen Your Environmental Footprint

9 Meatless Meals Blog** Posts

  • 3 Major Benefits of Making Meatless Meals
  • Meat Substitutes Can Make Meal Planning Easier
  • Meatless Mondays Can Lead to a Healthier Lifestyle
  • Pros & Cons of a Meatless Diet
  • Meatless Cooking Has Never Been Easier
  • Meatless Meal Ideas You Can Love
  • How to Prepare Nutritious Meatless Meals
  • Meatless Mondays for Better Health
  • 3 Quick & Tasty Meatless Meal Ideas

**These blog posts are not exclusive to KitchenBloggers. However, they have been extensively rewritten and edited to align with the KitchenBloggers “food philosophy” of using fresh, whole ingredients whenever possible.

4 High-Quality Vegetarian Images Are Also Included 

 Meatless Recipes and Meal Planning PLR

Grab Your Copy Today for Just $19!

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Slow Cooker Product Review PLR

Looking for easy & healthy “from-scratch” recipes for your food, lifestyle, or healthy & wellness website that ALSO taste fantastic?!


If so, you won’t want to miss this awesome Seasonal Slow Cooker recipes with original photos PLR package!

This “Seasonal Slow Cooker” PLR package features fast and easy sugar and gluten-free recipes that can be used on any website that focuses on using healthy, whole food ingredients.

In addition, these recipes do not include any type of processed or pre-packaged ingredients. Just fresh, real food your readers will love!

The Seasonal Slow Cooker Recipes PLR Package includes: 

  • 8 kitchen-tested recipes – ALL with original photos – that’s 2 new blog posts with photos per week for a month!
  • More than 20 original food photos*
  • “Top 10 Tips Sheet” – Relevant cooking tips and kitchen hacks related to the recipes in this package. (Perfect for sharing via your eNewsletter or on social media)

The gluten-free recipes included in this package can be used on just about any website that focuses on using healthy, whole food ingredients. In addition, these recipes do not include any added sugar or any other pre-packaged or processed ingredients. Just fresh, real food recipes your readers will love!

Here are the Seasonal Slow Cooker Recipes featured in this package:

  • Spicy Jalapeno Buffalo Chicken Dip
  • Mulled Apple Cider with a Twist
  • Overnight Apple Cinnamon Steel Cut Oats
  • Slow Cooker Beef Broccoli 
  • Creamy Wild Rice & Mushroom Soup
  • Tuscan Sausage & Potato Soup
  • Savory Pineapple Pork Roast
  • Easy Shredded Mexican Chicken

Here’s a look at some of the 30+ original photos in the brand new “Slow Cooker Recipes” package: 

*All recipes come with at least 2 to 3 large food photos that are exclusive to KitchenBloggers. (I personally take each photo so you don’t have to worry about their source).

Plus These Special Bonuses for the Brand New “Slow Cooker Recipes” Pack:

  • 2 additional bonus recipes (with additional food photos!)
    Brand New: Cilantro-Lime Rice 
    Slow Cooker Beef Chili 
  • Easy Monetization ideas for this package
  • Members-only discount coupon

Value-Added Bonus Pack: Our Complete Slow Cooker Product Review PLR Pack

slow cooker product review PLR Now, you can help your readers make an informed decision while shopping for this indispensable kitchen tool. This brand new Slow Cooker Product Review PLR Package includes 8 detailed articles and product reviews (each approximately 500 words). Includes one overview article on how to choose the right slow cooker for your household, plus 7 reviews of best-selling and highly rated slow cookers.

With high-quality product reviews, you can earn your money back quickly. Simply add your own affiliate links – then bundle them together into a special report, add them to your autoresponder, post them on your blog… or whatever you choose!

Here’s a Closer Look at What’s Included:

In-Depth Article on the Slow Cooker Product Category

  • How to Choose the Perfect Slow Cooker for Your Household
  • document with links to reviewed products, plus potential “add-on” purchases

7 Detailed Slow Cooker Reviews:

  • 4-Quart 360 Cookware ID004-GC Gourmet Slow Cooker
  • Hamilton Beach Stay or Go 6-Quart Slow Cooker Review
  • The Crock-Pot SCCPVL610-S Programmable Cook and Carry Oval Slow Cooker
  • The Emeril SD500050 6 Quart Dishwasher Safe Ceramic Bowl Slow Cooker with Automatic Temperature Control Technology
  • The Cuisinart 3-In-1 Cook Central Multi-Cooker, Slow Cooker, Steamer
  • Calphalon 7-Quart Digital Slow Cooker
  • The Stainless Steel Crock-Pot SCVT650-PS 6 1/2 Quart Programmable Touchscreen Slow Cooker

Compelling, No-Hype Reviews

Your readers can spot “hype” a million miles away – and will definitely appreciate the amount of research and honesty that went into creating each review. 

Every product in this package is rated a “best seller” on AND has earned a 4.0 or higher customer rating. While every review focuses on the primary strengths of each model, potential drawbacks – and suitable alternatives – are noted, as well.

Plus, the slow cookers reviewed for this package offer a nice balance between entry-level, moderately priced, and high-end models, so there is something for every budget.


Think of all the time and money you’d spend if you were to create this content yourself each month… Brainstorming new ideas, making multiple trips to the grocery store, paying for ingredients, developing and testing each recipe, taking quality food photos, and coming up with ideas to share via email and social media.

Fortunately, we’ve done all the “heavy lifting” for you with our Seasonal Slow Cooker Recipe PLR package – for a fraction of what you’d spend doing it yourself!

Download Your Copy Today for Just $29!

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This PLR (private label rights) content is exclusive to KitchenBloggers. You may edit and publish this content under your own name. For example, you may use this material for blog posts, enewsletter content, cookbooks, free opt-in reports, or other products to give away or sell to your customers for their personal use.
However, you may NOT sell, give away, or otherwise distribute the PLR or any other resale license to this material. This content may NOT be sold or given away on another PLR or Master Resale Right (MRR) site.

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Vegan Recipe PLR Archive Pack

Vegan Recipe PLR

If you are a food blogger, you probably already know that meatless recipes are incredibly popular. What’s more, demand for this information is expected to grow as people become more health and environmentally conscious. In addition, skyrocketing food costs are inspiring others to look for creative, yet delicious, ways to lower their monthly food bills.


Vegan Recipes Archive PLR Pack Even if your food blog does NOT focus only on vegetarian or vegan lifestyles, chances are your readers will be interested in ways to incorporate more healthy, non-meat based recipes into their diets. To help meet this need, I’ve gone through the KitchenBloggers’ archives* and pulled together this special collection of vegan recipes and food photos for you.

*Before buying this package, please check your files because these recipes were originally released in other packages, including the Bite-Sized Bundles monthly membership. (However, many recipes have been adapted from the original version to fit the recipe guidelines of this bundle).

Recipe Guidelines:

These vegan recipes contain NO:

  • Meat, poultry or seafood
  • Animal products, including eggs, cheese, dairy, or honey
  • Processed sugar (some recipes contain maple syrup as a sweetener)
  • Pre-packaged or other processed ingredients
  • Artificial preservatives

Here’s What’s Included in the Vegan Recipes Archive PLR Pack:

21 Delicious Vegan Recipes: (All Recipes Include KitchenBloggers’ EXCLUSIVE Food Photos!)

  • Castagnaccio – Traditional Tuscan Chestnut Flour Cake
  • Chilled Cucumber Avocado Soup with Fresh Dill
  • “Creamy” Wild Rice & Mushroom Soup
  • Crispy Seasoned Kale Chips
  • Garden Fresh Salsa Verde
  • Mason Jar Salads
  • Mediterranean Roasted Vegetables
  • Refreshing Mixed Berry Salad with Raspberry Vinaigrette
  • Roasted Beet, Citrus, & Fennel Salad
  • Roasted Yellow Tomato Soup
  • Savory Butternut Squash “Noodles
  • Slow Cooker Overnight Apple & Cinnamon Oats
  • Spicy Peanut Rice Noodles with Broccoli & Peppers
  • Spicy Sweet Corn Chowder
  • Tri-Color Roasted Rosemary Potatoes
  • Tropical Mango Breakfast Smoothie
  • Tuscan White Beans with Fresh Sage
  • Garlic and Chive Cauliflower Mash
  • Pickled Jalapeno & Red Onion
  • Spicy Sweet Potato Wedges with Herbed Coconut Yogurt Dip
  • Roasted Tomato & Fennel Soup

89 Gorgeous Large Food Photos (See several examples below)*** 

***The Vegan Recipe PLR Archive Pack  includes more images than the examples shown. This composite image is watermarked, but the actual images you receive are not marked in any way. 

The Vegan Recipe PLR Archive Pack Also Includes These Special Bonuses:

10 Exclusive Bonus Photos:

10 Archive Social Media Graphics:

Tip Sheet: Tips to Use Images on Social Media

1 In-Depth Product Reviews: (Easily monetize by adding your own affiliate links)

  • Paderno World Cuisine Tri-Blade Vegetable Spiral Slicer (896 words)

1 Bonus Recipe: Homemade Vegetable Stock (no images)

There are so many ways you can use this high-quality ready-to-publish food content to grow your audience and make more money. For example, you can:

  • Add your own affiliate links to the reviews or for specific ingredients within the recipes.
  • Publish on  your blog, across social media, or in your eNewsletter.
  • Create your own premium vegan cookbook or a smaller opt-in freebie to build your list.

It’s totally up to you – the only thing you CAN’T do with this content is sell it with PLR (or any other resale) rights or put my name on it. 🙂 

Need a Quick Recap? Here you go…

This KitchenBloggers’ EXCLUSIVE PLR archive pack includes:

  • 21 vegan recipes
  • 89 large exclusive food photos
  • 1 bonus vegan recipe
  • 10 exclusive bonus vegan-themed images
  • 10 bonus social media graphics
  • a social media tip sheet
  • an in-depth product review
It would cost hundreds of dollars or countless hours of your time to create this material yourself. However, you can download your own copy of this Vegan Recipe PLR Archive Pack today for just $49.95!*

Download Your Copy Today!

Add To Cart

**Before buying this package, please check your member area/files!!  The recipes in this archive pack were originally released in other packages (primarily the Bite-Sized Bundles monthly membership). However, many of these recipes have been adapted from the original version to fit the recipe guidelines of this bundle. 

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If you’re a food or lifestyle blogger, you may be pondering how you can monetize your website effectively. In this post, we’ve put together more than 50 easy ideas to help you get started! 

You Don’t Need Big Traffic Numbers

Instead of waiting for your traffic to build, consider alternate ways to monetize your site – and challenge yourself to use a combination of ways. For example, instead of depending on Amazon to build all your affiliate links, search for alternate programs that pay higher commissions.

One way is to go directly to the manufacturer or vendor. Often, they will have their own affiliate programs via platforms like,, or other networks. In many cases, you’ll earn much more by going this route vs. the 4% you can earn with Amazon.

Doing a bit of homework before you start promoting can pay off quite well.


However, even though Amazon may not always be the best program for earning high commissions, it is still a great research tool. If you want to just start browsing for kitchen products, browse the kitchen section of their website

There are also a lot of direct sales programs related to food and as long as they allow their representatives to sell online only and don’t have any stringent sales requirements, the commissions can be quite attractive, as well.

Your Own Products & Services

Don’t forget about your own products and services! If your goal is to blog about food and turn it into a career, selling your own products and services is important. If you skip this step, you’ll be missing out on a lot of revenue.

Think about it… Your followers like you. They open your emails and visit your site over and over again because they like your stuff. So when you have a product that YOU created, they are going to jump at the chance to buy it.

Plus, when you have your own products and services, you get to keep all the profits. That usually means more in your pocket per sale than if you’re promoting through an affiliate link.

The Big List of Food and Lifestyle Blog Monetization Ideas… 

Here’s a starter list of Monetization ideas for you. Many of these can be sold through affiliate links, but don’t skip options like selling your own products and services. That way, you can take yourself from being a blogger to a full-fledged business owner.

  • Accepting paid sponsors and sponsored posts — do a quick Google search of where and how to find these opportunities!
  • Ad networks like Google Adsense
  • Appliances like blenders, juicers, food processors, refrigerators, stoves, freezers, rice cookers and more
  • Baking accessories
  • Baking classes
  • Cake or cookie decorating
  • Calorie and other counters
  • Catering
  • Coffee and Tea
  • Cooking classes
  • Cookware like roasting pans, baking dishes, pots, pans, woks and more
  • Coupon books with coupons from local vendors and restaurants
  • Dehydrated food sales
  • Diet and/or fitness programs
  • Ebooks or printed books
  • Food cart
  • Food gifts and gift baskets
  • Freezer cooking service (teach freezer cooking in the home)
  • Freezer-safe storage products
  • Fresh meals in a box service
  • Gadgets like garlic presses, meat thermometers, food dehydrators, salt and pepper mills, mandolin slicers and more
  • Gourmet food sales
  • Grocery list planning
  • Grocery shopping and errand services
  • Herbs and spices
  • Indoor herb garden kits
  • Food or Wine of the Month clubs
  • Kitchen cleaning products
  • Kitchen decor
  • Kitchen organization service
  • Kitchen remodels
  • Knives and food slicers
  • Lunch and food storage containers
  • Meal delivery service
  • Menu planning service
  • Nutrition counseling
  • Pantry organization tools
  • Party decorations
  • Party planning
  • Personal chef services
  • Place settings, tablecloths, placemats, centerpieces and more
  • Pre-made soup or cake mixes
  • Recipe books
  • Recipe organization tools
  • Restaurant
  • Restaurant web design
  • Seed bank
  • Sell advertising directly to companies and other bloggers
  • Vegetable garden set up and maintenance
  • Vitamins and supplements
  • Wine and beer making kits or services
  • Wine, Beer and other alcoholic beverages

Whew! That’s over 50 ideas to get to you started… What other ideas can you come up with?


Take a moment and jot down 2 or 3 ideas that appeal to you – either from this list or your own – and start brainstorming ways you can start Monetizing your site today.

And hey, did you know our Monthly Content Prompt membership package includes quick and easy monetization ideas each and every month? Not a member yet? Join us here.