Choose 3 or 6 Former Monthly Content Prompts packages for ONE Super Low Price!
Grab a "6 Pack" Today for Just $99
Grab a "3 Pack" Today for Just $59
Unlock a wealth of captivating and top-notch content for your audience with our MCP Archive Packs. These packs are a compilation of previously released Monthly Content Prompt (MCP) packs. By bundling together 3 or 6 packs, you gain exclusive access to a treasure trove of engaging and high-quality content.
(When you sign up for our Monthly Content Prompts, you’ll receive an all-new package each month designed to help you get ahead of the never-ending quest to plan out your blog and social media content without scrambling around looking for ideas.)
What’s Inside Each MCP Archive Pack?
- Guide - Multi-page no-fluff PDF featuring creative content tips and ideas
- 4 BRAND NEW Recipes with "In-Process" & Final Photos
- 2 ARCHIVE or BONUS (aka previously released) Recipes with Final Photos
- Original Food Photos - all featured recipes include our exclusive food photos
- Easy-to-Edit Canva Social Media Templates OR PowerPoint Recipe Cards (New Templates/Recipe Cards in each package).

- Choose any 3 or 6 recipe + photo PLR packs listed below
- Purchase either the 3 or 6-pack option using the appropriate checkout button below
- You will immediately receive an email asking which recipe + photo PLR packs you’d like with your purchase. Just hit “reply” to that message with your chosen packs.
- I will add the packs to your account ASAP. (This normally happens within 30 minutes. If you purchase overnight – it will be first thing the next morning (7 days a week)).
Each Package includes at least 3 Editable Social Media Templates, PowerPoint Recipe Cards, or other bonus item. Social Media Templates vary each month and are for popular social media platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, etc. The easy-to-edit templates and recipe cards created in either Canva or PowerPoint.

With the MCP Archive Packs, you can choose ANY THREE (3) or SIX (6) former Monthly Content Prompts packages for ONE super low price!
MCP Archive Packs
This PLR (private label rights) content is exclusive to KitchenBloggers. You may edit and publish this content under your own name. For example, you may use this material for blog posts, enewsletter content, cookbooks, free opt-in reports, or other products to give away or sell to your customers for their personal use.
You may NOT sell, give away, or otherwise distribute the PLR or any other resale license to this material. This content may NOT be sold or given away on another PLR or Master Resale Right (MRR) site.
Monthly Content Prompts – Archive Packs
Download Your Copy of 6 Pack Today for Just $99
Download Your Copy of 3 Pack Today for Just $59
Unlock a wealth of captivating and top-notch content for your audience with our Archive Packs. These packs are a compilation of previously released Monthly Content Prompt (MCP) packs. By bundling together 3 or 6 packs, you gain exclusive access to a treasure trove of engaging and high-quality content.
When you sign up for our Monthly Content Prompts, you’ll receive an all-new package each month designed to help you get ahead of the never-ending quest to plan out your blog and social media content without scrambling around looking for ideas.