Welcome Foodie Fans!
The KitchenBloggers’ “PLR Foodie – Super PLR Bundle” Features This Exclusive “Foodie PLR” Sample Pack:
- 10 Kitchen-Tested Archive Recipes (recipes have been released in other KitchenBloggers packages – Check your files carefully before purchasing!)
- 64 large, original food photos
- 3 editable recipe cards
- 3 Canva Pinterest Pins
*The Foodie Sampler Pack includes a collection of 10 kitchen-tested recipes with original food photos, editable PowerPoint recipe cards, and Canva templates curated from different KitchenBloggers’ recipe + photo packs. Featured recipes include popular food themes, including Instant Pot®, low carb, and gluten-free selections. Recipes feature an assortment of entrée, soup, salad, appetizer, and dessert options.
The kitchen-tested recipes included in this package can be used on just about any website that delicious food content.

Here are the 10 Exclusive Kitchen-Tested Recipes with Photos Featured in the Foodie PLR Sample Pack:
- Cajun Snapper with Fresh Mango Salsa
- Chicken Caesar Salad with Homemade Dressing
- Chocolate-Covered Strawberries
- Cream of Mushroom Soup
- Instant Pot® Cheesecake with Fresh Berries
- Low Carb Loaded Cabbage Steaks
- Shepherd’s Pie
- Smoked Salmon & Whipped Cream Cheese Cups (Appetizer)
- Smothered Mediterranean Pork Chops
- Vichyssoise
Please note: The archive recipes (aka ‘previously released’) included in this package were originally included in other recipe + photo PLR packs.
Here’s a look at the 64 gorgeous original photos in this exclusive Recipe + Photos PLR package:

*This composite marketing image is watermarked – the large individual photo files you receive with your license are, however, NOT watermarked.
Here’s a Closer Look at a Few of These Images:
*All recipes come with at least 2 to 3 large food photos. (All photos are EXCLUSIVE to KitchenBloggers – so you don’t have to worry about their source or copyright issues as long as you follow the terms of use included in each package. (PLR Rrights are listed at the bottom of this page as well).
You will also receive 3 Exclusive Editable (PowerPoint) Recipe Cards and 3 easy-to-edit Canva Pinterest Pin Templates: Recipe cards come in easy-to-edit PowerPoint, .jpg, and PDF formats – just add your own logo, site color scheme, and/or special offers.

Think of all the time and money you’d spend if you were to create this content yourself … Brainstorming new ideas, making multiple trips to the grocery store, paying for ingredients, developing and testing each recipe, taking quality food photos, and coming up with ideas to share via email and social media.
Fortunately, we’ve done all the “heavy lifting” for you with our “Content Creation Collection Bundle” PLR Sample Pack – for a fraction of what you’d spend doing it yourself!
Claim Your Copy Today!
This PLR (private label rights) content is exclusive to KitchenBloggers. You may edit and publish this content under your own name. For example, you may use this material for blog posts, enewsletter content, cookbooks, free opt-in reports, or other products to give away or sell to your customers for their personal use.
However, you may NOT sell, give away, or otherwise distribute the PLR or any other resale license to this material. This content may NOT be sold or given away on another PLR or Master Resale Right (MRR) site.